Monday, December 30, 2013

植物基础油 / Plant Carrier Oil & Butters

Apricot Kernel Oil 杏桃核仁果油
It is recommended for mature skin, sensitive skin and skin that is inflamed, irritated or dry.
清爽且營養的油, 製成保養品可舒緩缺水引起的騷癢,適合乾燥,老化及敏感肌膚
Argan Oil 坚果油
Argan oil can be effective in treating dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, acne and sunburned skin. It is a good choice for inclusion in formulations for maturing skin. 
Avocado Oil 酪梨油 
This highly therapeutic oil is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B5 (Panthothenic acid), Vitamin D, E, minerals, protein, lecithin and fatty acids. It is a useful, penetrating nutrient for dry skin and eczema.
含豐富的礦物質,柔潤度非常的高, 吸收速度快,  滋養肌膚.消除細紋. 修护和镇定肌肤,皮肤炎加入有助改善皮肤状况。可做成對肌膚溫和的香皂, 適合做成洗臉皂及嬰兒用皂。

Bitter Tea Seed Oil 苦茶籽油
this oil helps to keep hair healthy and repairs damaged hair. On the skin, this oil can be used to soften skin and as a mild sunscreen as it has UV blocking attributes.
具有护发的功效, 能够维持头发光亮, 预防断裂和脱发。 对于肌肤有不错的保湿和滋润功效。

Canola Oil 芥花籽油
Due to its high oleic and linoleic content, it gives conditioning and moisturizing quality to soaps but if used on its own will create a soap that is too soft。

Castor Oil 蓖麻油
保湿度佳洗感温和, 对有斑点的肌肤有可美白和修护。此外做成洗发皂可让发丝柔顺, 泡沫多。
It has anti-bacterial, anti-fungicidal and healing properties to break up scar tissue and prevent new scars from forming.

Coconut Oil 椰子油
Coconut Oil is useful in formulations for dry, itchy, sensitive skin. It will not clog pores, and it absorbs readily into the skin.

Evening Primrose Oil 冷压月见草油
Evening Primrose Oil has the ability to treat dry, scaly, or itchy skin and skin prone to eczema. It can also reduce skin inflammations and calm acne. In soap making, it produces a wonderfully conditioning soap.
Flaxseed Oil  精製亞麻仁油
Flaxseed oil is a  popular  in skincare because of its  high Vitamin E content, which may help protect against free radical damage caused to the skin. Its high levels of GLA essential fatty acids make it a nourishing and beneficial oil for dry and mature skin.
亞麻仁油富含高量的亞麻油酸及次亞麻油酸,保濕度很好,親膚性佳. 洗发皂和一般手工皂都可以添加。富含维它命E,抗氧化, 按摩油都会添加。

Golden Jojoba Oil 冷壓黃金荷荷芭油
Jojoba in facial blends to remove excess oils and to help balance the skin's natural oil. Jojoba contains a natural anti-inflammatory called myristic acid and is useful in formulations for arthritis and rheumatism. Jojoba is very stable and has natural antioxidant properties.
Grapeseed Oil 葡萄籽油
Grapeseed Oil is rich in vitamins, minerals, linoleic acid and other essential fatty acids. It is a light, slightly astringent, penetrating oil for massage and aromatherapy applications.
经过研究显示,葡萄籽萃取物它的抗氧化功效不仅是维生素C的20倍,更是维生素E的 50倍,并具有保护维生素C、E和Beta胡萝卜素的效果,而且可以很快的为人体所吸收。葡萄籽萃取物可以保护细胞免受氧化损伤,并延缓老化过程,因此可以改善和美化肌肤。

Hazelnut Oil 冷压精製榛果油
It is a suitable addition to formulations intended to be used on acne prone skin. Hazelnut Oil is high in essential fatty acids and is soothing and healing to dry, irritated skin. It is commonly used in sun care products, and studies have shown that it can filter sun rays.

Japanese Camellia Oil 冷压日本山茶花油
It is nourishing and helps to heal and treat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. The essential fatty acids contained in Camelina Oil help to repair cells. Camellia oil helps to improve the elasticity of skin. Include Camellia Oil in skin care formulations for maturing or sensitive skin. It provides a protective coating for hair follicles and is a beneficial oil to add to hair care formulations. 

Macadamia Oil 夏威夷堅果油
A luxurious oil that absorbs quickly into the skin and acts as an emollient to protect skin cells. This oil contains contains anti-oxidants, omega-3 and omega 6 fatty acids and protects the skin in a similar way the human sebum does
特徵是含棕櫚油酸20%以上, 可預防老化. 有助傷口癒合或因濕疹受傷的皮膚, 使用100%堅果油可做出起泡力比橄欖油更好, 洗完感覺滋潤且清爽的香皂,
Neem Oil 印楝油
Neem Oil is used to treat skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, scabies, syphilitic sores, and chicken pox. Neem Oil can eliminate lice, repel bugs and control dandruff. In toothpaste, Neem Oil helps relieve swollen and bleeding gums and kills the bacteria that causes gingivitis.

Olive Oil 橄榄油
Olive Oil attracts external moisture to the skin and still permits the skin to properly release sweat, shed dead skin and release sebum. It is a good oil for inclusion in massage oil formulations and it helps to sooth inflamed skin.

Palm Oil 棕榈油 
It is very mild and cleans well, but does not have much skin conditioning or bubbly lather. 
Rice Bran Oil 米糠油
Rice Bran Oil is moisturizing and is a good choice for inclusion in formulations intended for mature, delicate or sensitive skin. Rice Bran Oil is especially useful in baby, face and hair formulations. 
Red Palm Oil 红棕榈油
This is a deep orange oil rich in vitamins A, E and antioxidants. It has a dark vibrant colour due to its high contents of carotene and will alter the soap to lemon yellow or orange depending on the amount used. In soap making, it makes a hard bar with stable lather.
含有丰富的维它命A, E 和抗氧化. 对於晒伤后的皮肤和干燥肌肤的修护非常的好.

Rosehip Seed Oil 玫瑰果油
Rose Hip Seed Oil possesses a unique nutrient profile that includes Vitamins A, C and E. These vitamins, in conjunction with its content of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, make it an ideal ingredient for inclusion within personal care and spa applications.

Sesame Oil 冷压精製芝麻油
Sesame Oil is rich in essential fatty acids and helps to maintain integrity of skin tissue while restructuring and moisturizing the skin.

Sweet Almond Oil 冷压精製甜杏仁油
It is well suited for eczema, psoriasis and itchy, dry and inflamed skin. It is rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and E.

Shea Butter 乳木果
Shea butter has been used to help heal burns, sores, scars, dermatitis, psoriasis, dandruff, and stretch marks. It contains  many fatty acids, which are needed to retain skin moisture and elasticity. It also contains cinnamic acid to help protect the skin.
Sunflower Oil葵花油
Sunflower Oil is high in essential fatty acids. It helps to moisturize, regenerate and condition the skin.

Wheat Germ Oil 小麦胚芽油
Wheatgerm Oil is very nourishing to the skin. Wheatgerm Oil prevents moisture loss from the skin, and it soothes irritated, sunburned, or burned skin. 
Cocoa Butter 可可脂
Cocoa butter has been used to keep skin soft and supple for centuries. It is often recommended for skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis. When applied topically, it creates a barrier between sensitive skin and the environment and also helps retain moisture.
Soybean Shortening 雪白乳化油
Soybean shortening can be used in soap making to produce a very mild and bubbly soap when combined with other oils. 
由大豆做成, 植物性。可以做出很厚实,温和,泡沫细致的手工皂。

Sunday, December 29, 2013

100%纯山茶橄榄皂 Japan Camellia Soap

Japan Camellia oil its good for reduce skin scars.

Marseille Soap is recommended by dermatologists throughout the world for dry skin and other ailments. Its incredible purity and moisturizing properties make it ideal for sensitive skins.

建议配合起泡网使用, 橄榄油含量高的皂不适合长痘肌肤用哈,各位注意!这款皂使用范围是:除油性,长痘肌肤以外的所有肌肤,尤其是孕妇,婴儿,敏感肌肤。


舒緩金盞花手工皂Calendula Honey Goat Milk Soap

Herbalists consider Calendula one of the most effective herbal remedies for skin problems. Infusions of Calendula are used to soothe the itching of eczema and reduce skin inflammation while tiny bits of flowers help very gently exfoliate.


皂裡面的點點是金盞花的花瓣~ 很喜歡這種天然素材入皂的感覺。



金盞花原產於南歐地中海沿岸一帶。古埃及人認為它能延緩衰老,印度人則尊奉它為神聖的花。金盞花含礦物質磷和維生素C 飲用能發汗、利尿、清濕熱。感冒時飲用能有助於退燒,它還能促進消化和血液循環,鎮痙攣、補肝。外用可治療皮膚病和創傷,平時用來蒸臉,藥草浴或手足浴, 可促進皮膚清潔柔軟。孕婦不宜。金盞花萃取液成份完全萃取自金盞花卉及其天然植物精華,可清潔、均衡、活化、調理中偏油性的混合性肌膚。並且有助於青春痘 疤痕之癒合及改善輕微的肌膚敏感現象,亦適合男性在刮鬍後使用。

【成分】金盞花浸泡橄欖油半年,有機椰子油, 棕櫚油,蓖麻油,米糠油,纯羊乳,苛性
【功效】抗炎 祛痘 去痘印